Eliminate the Advantages of Google Analytics and Other Tracking Tools The most popular digital analytics solution out there is without a doubt Google Analytics. Job Function Email List This gives you a bigger view of the behavior of the people visiting your WordPress site. Job Function Email List Here are some advantages of using Google Analytics that you shouldn't miss.
It provides deep insight into the interactions and behavior of your visitors. This helps you gain valuable information on how to build your marketing strategy. Job Function Email List This helps in identifying issues with visitor retention that you can address and improve your WordPress site. Pro tip: Set up GA and monitor website visitors. Job Function Email List Sign up for Google Analytics because it's free.
You only need a few minutes to set up and add the tracking snippet to your site's head tag and you're done. You can start viewing reports in a matter of days! Bonus. Job Function Email List Three Webmaster Mistakes You Don't Want To Make Mistake. Job Function Email List You Don't Have a Staging Site to Perform Updates Related to bad habit from the list above, it's not a good idea to immediately update everything on your production site.